Week 8 Results Rockland - 48 Hanson - 76 Whitman 1 - 44 Whitman 2 - 79
*Please notify if any information is incorrect***
Week 2
Rockland - 14
Hanson - 16
Whitman 1 - 10
Whitman 2 - 20
*Please notify if any information is incorrect***
Week 2
Rockland - 14
Hanson - 16
Whitman 1 - 10
Whitman 2 - 20
South Shore
1. Each team will consist of at least an 8-player roster with a maximum of 13.
2. A club will have to be willing to host another club for play as this would be a traveling horseshoe league.
3. This is to be a fun league. Any alterations or non-sportsmanship behavior will not be tolerated and any such behavior will be reviewed by the President, Vice President and each teams captains. A decision will then be rendered.
4. The “COMMITTEE” will consist of the captain of each club, plus the 3 man league officials (President, Vice President, Treasurer) which will be voted on at the beginning of each year.
5. A match consists of three “MATCHES” and within each match there are 5 games (15 games per match)
6. League play will be on Monday nights. The match will start at 7:00pm. A team must have a minimum of four players by 7:00pm or the match is forfeited to the opposing team.
a. If a team has only four players at 7:00pm the match will begin for Challenge #1 and Challenge # 2 as specified under the order of play using a four player format. A 30-minute grace period is allowed for Challenge #3. If at 7:30pm a team is still unable to field the last challenge a 5 point forfeit is given and awarded to the opposing team.
b. 5 Player Rule- If one team has 5 players, the third challenge will commence as normal with 2 players on one end and 1 player on the other.
7. Order Of Play – The away team writes down all 6 players for the 3 challenges first. Then the home team writes down 6 players. No substitutions are to be made until after game 1 has been played.
8. Substitutions – Free substitution is allowed and an unlimited re-entry rule applies. However, once a player, or players participate in a game, they are only allowed to re-enter back into the same pit they played, but it does not have to be the same player.
a. A player must participate in at least one game once submitted onto the score sheet.
b. Substituting of a player or players on a team roster are eligible ONLY AT THE END OF A GAME.
c. The only time permissible to substitute a player during the middle of a game is for an injury. It must be agreed upon by the opposing Captain and it can only be a player who has not participated in the match.
Order Of Substitution:
The visiting team must name any changes at the end of a game followed by the home team.
9. Shoes- Players can use their own shoes provided their partner uses the same shoes.
10. Starting a Match- Coin toss or shoe match will determine who shoots first in the challenge. Winning team in each match will go first the following game.
11. Ringers- A ringer is declared when both tips break the plane of the stake by use of a straight edge and awarded 3 points unless nullified by an opposing ringer.
12. Points- A point is awarded if a shoe, or shoes are closest to the stake by the outside shoe measure.
13. All games will be 25 points.
14. Scoring-
a. One point for each game win
b. Total combined points per challenge = 5
c. Total combined points per match = 15
15. Scoresheets- It is required that both captains sign the scoresheet at the end of the match. Each team keeps a copy for their records in case there are any discrepancies. It is mandatory that the home team sends a picture of the score sheet to the President or the designated person to post the score updates. Any team not following these instructions are subject to a penalty of points deducted from the league standing.
16. Basic NHPA rules apply.
17. Pits may be groomed before or after each game. Not during the game.
18. Away team fields the courts first.
19. The foul line is to be observed.
20. The stakes must be within the legal length (14 in. to 18 in.). If a stake has been determined to fall outside the specified limit, the complaint must be conveyed to the league president. The club will have until the next match to correct it and will be penalized with a 5 point forfeit for each pit that does not comply.
21. Forfeits:
a. Five points are forfeited for a “challenge” and 15 points for the entire match.
b. If both teams cannot field a challenge then zero points are awarded for either team.
c. Any roster changes must be made by 10:00pm on Thursday prior to Mondays play for new players to be eligible. The reason is so that all Captains can be notified in time for Mondays games. No changes will be allowed after the start of the second half and all rosters become permanent for the remained of the season.
22. A player is ineligible to change teams during the season once he has participated in a match.
23. Any team that fields a non-roster, or ineligible player during a match will forfeit the match and 15 points to the opposing team.
24. Rain Out procedure:
a. A match stopped during play will resume where it was left off with the same scores, players, location, etc. at a later date.
b. If your courts are unplayable, the opposing team’s club must be called by 5:00pm to be notified by postponement. However, if agreed upon by both captains, an alternate site may be used to play the match. The league could issue a forfeit to a team administering an unwarranted postponement.
c. President and V. P. will be the only ones to cancel the night.
d. If the President or V.P post pone due to rain, The ENTIRE schedule will be pushed back one week.
25. Make ups: DELETED
26. Position of Contestants During Delivery
a. The Pitcher- The pitcher must maintain constant contact with the designated platform during the entire address and release of the shoe. (Both shoes should be delivered within the thirty second time limit. NHPA Rule 6, Section C, #2)
b. The Opponent- The opponent, while not pitching, shall stand on (or behind) the other 40 ft. platform at least 2 feet to the rear of the contestant who is pitching. The opponent shall be quiet and stationary so as not to disturb the contestant who is pitching or the contestants on adjacent courts.
27. Handicap Rules:
a. Handicaps will range from 2.0 to 8.4
b. All New players (This would be all players for this session) will start as a 4 handicap.
c. To become ESTABLISHED, the player must play 10 Games. During Establishment, Each GAME win will add .3 to the player’s handicap. Each GAME loss will subtract .3.
d. The handicap rating after ten games will become the players established handicap going forward.
28. Established handicaps:
a. After the player has completed their first ten games and becomes established Each GAME win will add .1 to the player’s handicap. Each GAME loss will subtract .1.
b. Handicaps will change from week to week, NOT from game to game. The handicap that a player starts with for the week, will not change from game 1 to game 5 of the night, It will stay the same until the following week.
29. Handicapping Points:
a. Each individual match will have its own handicapped advantage. The handicap advantage is determined by the following chart. The total handicap for each match is determined by adding the handicaps of the two teammates per side. Where the chart intersects is the point advantage for the team with the lower handicap. EX HOME TEAM 12- AWAY TEAM 8= 6 point handicap for the team with 8 total handicap.
b. Handicap Point Chart
South Shore Traveling Horse Shoe League
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